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Priors Field Primary School

Statutory Information 

Each school is required by law, (The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012, to make the following information available:

Contact us


Clinton Lane,

Kenilworth CV8 1BA

Headteacher: Mrs Katie Gane

Inclusion Leader: Veronica Leary

Telephone: 01926 853015

Mrs Hills/Mrs Hallard are usually in the office to answer queries from parents and other members of the public

E-mail: admin2605@welearn365.com 

Statutory Information & Policies

Pupil Premium strategy

PE and Sport Premium Funding

Catch-up Premium Strategy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

SEND Policy

Online Safety Policy

Protective Behaviours - Right To Feel Safe

Warwickshire School's Inclusion Charter

Protective Behaviours - Let's Talk Magazine

Protective Behaviours - Keeping Children Safe

Local Offer Booklet/ School SEN information Report

Referral for Statutory Assessment

Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Policy

Equality Information and Objectives

Complaints Procedure Complaints Policy

School Behaviour Policy

SEN Governors Information Regulation Report

CLA and CPLA Statement

Collective Worship Policy

Relationships and Health Education Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Privacy Notice

ICO Model Publication Scheme

Data Protection Policy

Ofsted Report Oct 2019

Remote Learning Policy

Staff Behaviour Policy (Code of Conduct) for all Staff and Volunteers

DfE School Performance Tables (KS 2 attainment and progress)

Governing Body's Written Statement of Behaviour Principles

      • Ofsted