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Priors Field Primary School


Our philosophy & culture

At Priors Field Primary, we believe that it is important for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the world around them. We help the children to acquire and develop a knowledge and understanding of different religions, beliefs, and cultures.

We promote respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs and encourage the children to develop their own sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. 

Our R.E. curriculum is designed to encourage creative thinkers, imagination, independent enquiry, debate, discussion and reflective learners.

How children learn RE

Curriculum Design

Our RE curriculum is designed to provide a broad and balanced study of different religions and beliefs, including both major world religions and those followed by members of our local community. We follow the Warwickshire agreed syllabus, which reflects the legal requirements and expectations for RE.

Coverage and Sequencing

We ensure that our curriculum provides a rich and comprehensive coverage of the key aspects of each religion and belief, demonstrating progression as pupils move through the school. We have carefully sequenced the topics to build on prior knowledge and allow for deeper exploration, encouraging pupils to develop a well-rounded understanding.

Inclusive Teaching and Learning

Our teaching approaches are inclusive and adapted for the needs and abilities of our pupils. We use a variety of teaching strategies including whole-class discussions, group work, independent research, and multimedia resources to engage learners and promote active participation. 

Respectful Dialogue and Debate

We foster an environment where pupils are encouraged to express their views, ask questions, and engage in respectful dialogue and debate about religious and philosophical issues. We promote critical thinking skills and enable pupils to develop their own informed opinions. We value the diversity of perspectives and ensure that everyone's contribution is valued and respected.

Visits and Visitors

We enhance learning experiences by organising visits to local places of worship, or inviting representatives from different religious and belief communities to speak to our pupils. These interactions provide first-hand experience, deepen understanding, and enable our pupils to engage with the diversity of religious practices and beliefs in our community.

Cross-Curricular Links

We actively seek opportunities to make cross-curricular links with other subjects, such as art, history, geography. This approach allows pupils to explore religious and cultural themes within a broader context, enabling them to make connections and develop a holistic understanding.

Assessment and Feedback

We use a combination of formative and summative assessment strategies to evaluate pupils' progress and understanding in RE. This includes both written and practical tasks, as well as opportunities for self-reflection and peer assessment. We provide constructive feedback that helps pupils identify areas for improvement and celebrate their achievements.

The impact of the RE curriculum

Pupil Outcomes

Our pupils develop a deep knowledge and understanding of different religions and beliefs, and demonstrate respect, tolerance, and empathy towards others. They are able to articulate their own beliefs and values, and engage in open and thoughtful discussions about different religious and philosophical ideas. Our pupils develop their own sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. 

Attitudes and Values

Pupils develop positive attitudes towards diversity and learn to appreciate the richness that different cultures and beliefs bring to our society. They demonstrate increased tolerance and respect for others, promoting harmony within the school and wider community. Our pupils embrace the values of empathy, compassion, and inclusivity, becoming responsible citizens who are able to make a positive contribution to the world around them. 

Pupils demonstrate curiosity, ask insightful questions, and actively contribute to class discussions and group activities. They are eager to share their learning with others and show enthusiasm for promoting understanding and respect amongst their peers.

Progress and Achievement

Our RE provision ensures that our pupils develop an excellent understanding and appreciation of different religions, beliefs, and cultures and make good progress in their learning. Through engaging teaching, inclusive practices, respectful dialogue, and meaningful assessments, our pupils make excellent progress and demonstrate positive attitudes and values. They are equipped to navigate the diverse world they inhabit, contribute positively to society, and celebrate the richness of religious and cultural diversity.


      • Ofsted