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Priors Field Primary School



This intent, implementation, and impact statement outlines the key features of our curriculum at Priors Field Primary School.  We offer a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all children, offering them rich and varied learning opportunities in our unique setting.

Our philosophy & culture


Broad and Balanced Curriculum

Our curriculum intent recognises the importance of providing a broad and balanced education, ensuring children have access to a wide range of subjects and experiences. It aims to equip all children with the knowledge, experiences, language and social skills they need to grow together and be ready for life. The curriculum's intent is based on a clear educational vision, aligned with the school's values and the needs of the local community. 

Progressive and Cumulative Learning

The Priors Field curriculum ensures that learning progresses in a logical and cumulative manner, building upon prior knowledge and skills. It offers clear progression in each subject area, enabling children to develop a deep and secure understanding of key concepts over time. 

We set high standards for all children and promotes ambitious aspirations. It challenges children to achieve their full potential and develops their resilience, self-confidence, and a growth mindset. Our curriculum is fully inclusive and adapted to support children with diverse needs, promoting equality and diversity throughout its design and delivery.

Cultural Capital and Wider Experiences

It is important that children benefit from wider experiences beyond the classroom, providing opportunities for cultural enrichment and personal development. It encourages participation in extracurricular activities, local and national events, educational visits, and engagement with the wider community. The curriculum is inclusive and reflects the cultural diversity of the school community, promoting mutual respect and understanding.

How children learn through the curriculum

Coherent Curriculum Design

The Priors Field curriculum is meticulously planned and implemented. It provides a coherent sequence of learning experiences that build upon prior knowledge, ensuring logical progression and continuity. The curriculum specifies the knowledge, skills, and understanding that should be covered within each subject area and across different year groups. It clearly identifies the essential knowledge and skills that children need to acquire, setting clear expectations for teaching and learning.

High-Quality Teaching and Learning

Excellent implementation of the curriculum hinges on high-quality teaching and learning practices. Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and use a range of effective pedagogical approaches to engage and challenge children. They make use of diverse resources, including digital technology, to facilitate deep learning. Strategies are employed to meet the needs of all children and ensure inclusive practices. Teachers effectively adapt their teaching approaches to enable children to make progress and develop a love for learning.

Assessment and Feedback

Our curriculum places great importance on formative and summative assessment to monitor pupils' progress and provide timely feedback. Assessment strategies are carefully planned, aligned with curriculum objectives, and ensure that children understand their strengths and areas for development. Feedback is constructive, specific, and targets individual improvement. Children are actively involved in assessing their own progress, developing metacognitive skills that support their independent learning.

Strong Leadership and Collaboration

Excellent implementation requires strong leadership at all levels within the school. Leaders establish a shared vision, driving the success of the curriculum through effective management and collaboration. Subject champions play a key role in monitoring the quality of teaching and learning, providing necessary support and professional development opportunities to enhance teachers' subject knowledge and pedagogical skills. Collaboration between staff, including sharing best practices, further enhances the effectiveness of curriculum implementation.

The impact of the curriculum

High Standards and Positive Outcomes

The Priors Field curriculum enables children to achieve excellent outcomes in subject-specific knowledge, skills, and understanding, demonstrating deep learning and mastery of concepts, making substantial progress over time. The curriculum fosters a love for lifelong learning and equips children with the confidence and abilities necessary for further education and future employment.

Personal Development and Well-being

Our curriculum considers the holistic development and well-being of children. It provides numerous opportunities for personal, social, and emotional development. Children exhibit high levels of self-esteem, resilience, and positive attitudes towards learning. They develop strong moral values, respectful attitudes towards others, and an appreciation for cultural diversity.

Engagement, Participation, and Attendance

The Priors Field curriculum promotes active engagement, participation, and excellent attendance rates. Children are enthusiastic learners who eagerly participate in lessons and extracurricular activities. They demonstrate a thirst for knowledge and independently pursue their interests. The curriculum fosters a strong sense of belonging and ensures that all pupils feel valued and included, and enjoy coming to school.

Enhanced Community Links and Cultural Capital

Our curriculum enhances community links and cultural capital. Children actively contribute to the local community through school initiatives, engagement with local organisations, and community-focused projects. They develop a strong understanding of their own and others' culture, promoting respect and fostering community cohesion.


The Priors Field curriculum is carefully designed, effectively implemented, and has a significant impact on children's development and achievements. It provides a broad and balanced education, promotes high standards and aspirations, and widens children's cultural capital. Through well-planned teaching and learning and strong subject champions our curriculum ensures that all children thrive, achieve their potential, and are well-prepared for their future.


 Teaching & Learning Policy

Feedback & Marking Policy
      • Ofsted